Shashi said...
I've been going through something similar for the past six months. My symptoms have been extreme fatigue; numbness and tingling sensations in my face, head, hands, and feet; tremors, vibrations, and buzzing sensations all over my body; painful muscle spasm and stiffness in my arms, back, and legs; shooting nerve pains throughout my body; squeezing sensations around my rib cage and top of my head; bladder and bowel problems; blurred vision; slurred speech; cognitive problems such as slow word recall, substituting the wrong word, forgetfulness, etc. I also have messed up reflexes in my legs, including hyperactive knee reflexes, absent ankle reflexes, and present Babinksi reflexes in both feet. All of these are typical MS symptoms (if there is anything typical about MS.)
I've had brain, thoracic, cervical, and lumbar MRIs, and they've all come back normal. I've had EVPs, all came back normal except for the SSER on my left leg. My last test was an LP, which was also normal.
The answer to your question is yes, you can have MS and have a clean MRI. You might want to check on having EVPs or an LP, just to be thorough.
Good luck!
Dear Lisa,
I've been having the exact same symptoms you had (including neck spasms, stiffness, numbness, blurred vision only when I look at words, etc.) and I wanted to know if you found a doctor that could tell you what was wrong with you?
I am super anxious about
whats been going on with me in the past month and I have been trying so hard to find someone with similar experiences!