I saw my neuro today. It was a check up. Mainly, I want to stay fresh in his memory. That way he remembers me if symptoms come back. I also want to be documented for my lack of symptoms.
I have a blurry spot in my vision on the right lower side. So, now I have to go to the opthamologist and have it checked.
I informed him that my symptoms only come back if I push myself too hard or over do it. My feet will itch and go numb. My legs will ache and feel tingly and my back will go numb and hurt. Sometimes my arms will get achy. I still wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Occasionally, I still have brain fog but I have always been a little ditzy, natural blonde!!
I have been very busy this week and not getting a ton of sleep. I have 3 sick kids and a sick hubby, so no rest for the wicked! Anyway, I was asleep when the neuro came into the room. He asked me about
fatigue, uhhh yeah I'm tired! He gave me a script
for Provigil and asked the insurance secretary how difficult it is to get covered. She said very difficult but she has gotten it covered before I just need a dx of sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or some other sleep disorder.
The neuro asked me if I snore, I don't. He asked if I wake up and stay awake, I don't. He asked if I sleep good, yes sometimes too good. He then looked at the insurance lady and asked for the code for narcolepsy! He said to get the Provigil covered he will dx me with mild narcolepsy!!
He doesn't believe that it is narcolepsy, he still thinks it is something else. Whatever that is I wish he'd let me know!! I am still guessing he thinks it is MS. I asked him today if all my problems were because I am getting older, I am 31. He gave me an odd look and said "No, I don't think so. We'll just have to wait and see." That is fine because I am feeling good and I know now, that I have the time to wait.
I am pretty excited that he is helping me!! One small victory at a time.
Thank you all for listening and waiting with me while I go through limboland!