madlou said...
Back in APril I started with the MS hug, periodic numbness and tingling in my legs, and all kinds of weird electrical activity up and down my legs. I'd never had any problems prior to this. I've had CTscans, MRIs of my entire spine, and more blood work than I care to think about. Had a lumbar puncture on Monday. I have a lesion on T8-10 and small lesions on my brain. The lesions on my brain could be scarring from migraines. THe neurologist said he would say transverse myelitis IF I hadn't started having numbness in hands and face. Eight months and still no firm diagnosis. It has been a long, strange trip. Glad to find this forum!
Vickie - Michigan
Live simply, Love generously,
Care deeply,Speak kindly,
Leave the rest to God
Have you gotten the results of your lumbar puncture yet? That might be something that will give your neuro a definitive answer. Transverse myelitis is one of those disorders that mimics MS, and as you noted, the lesions could have come from migraines, but if there are o-bands in the spinal fluid, that might clinch the diagnosis for you. Not knowing exactly what is wrong has to be very frustrating.