Little Daisy
I saw a neuro Mon after 3 yrs of not seeing one. My PCP sent me back when she saw the tremors, along with alot of other problems. I have had 4 bouts, I'm not yet up on the correct words, over the last 1 1/2 yrs. They last a month or two. Then slowly go away.
I was diagnosed Monday with demylinating disease of cns based on my old mri's, spect from last year, and current problems. But my Dr said mine is from lyme disease. Most people don't know what the cause is. They are setting up MRI but due to insurance will probably take a couple weeks. Some Dr consider demylinating disease of cns and MS the same, but said that mine is a little different in that we know what is causing it. Just don't know how to stop it.
He did put me on a medication for the tremors. He said there were several choices. But we had to find one filtered by the kidneys because my liver is acting up. Baclofen...I have been on it since Monday and today I feel like the tremors might be responding to the med. They are not gone, nor my headache or other problems. But the tremors seem to have lessened in the middle of the day. He said they might help my headache. It did seen to lesson some during the middle of the day also.
Hope this helps and you find some relief. I'm new to this thing. When they wanted to say MS several yrs ago, I didn't want to listen. But I do fit the profile. I have probably 90% of the symptoms.