Zanmonkey said...
I have been reading all of your messages and feel at home already. I was diagnosed with "possible ms" in 2000 and was well for 7 years. about 6 weeks ago my symptoms came back although some different. I never had eye pain or twitching of the arm before. I had an MRI 2 weeks ago that came back normal "that was a fun 4 hours!" And last week they tried and failed to do a lumbar punch. I am supposed to go back thursday to try again while under radiograph. They want to do this so they can decide which meds to go on. Is this normal? Should I go on meds if they are not 100% sure what it is?
Hey Zanmonkey!!
Welcome to the board! I started this new thread for u so everyone could see that u'r here! I hope u'll find this is a great site and will find support and answers to any questions u may have. I'm so sorry to hear of u'r symptoms and their return, but hopefully u'll be getting some answers soon. Best of wishes on the second lumbar puncture. In answer to u'r question...YES...if u'r dx'd and can...please do consider going on the meds. What led to the possible ms dx tho? U said u'r mri came back normal? Was it a clinical presentation of symptoms that led to it? I'd love to hear more about it. I'm undx'd and it appears far from any answers and would love to know how u'r doc came to the place he has u at now.
One other thing...we have live chats on Mondays at 6:00pm each week. It's a great chance to get to know everyone as well as get some real time answers to u'r questions. I hope we'll get to see u there! Again, welcome to the board!