Hi All -
Well, I've been my own advocate and when the MS spec told me he couldn't dx me with what I have and my neuro wanted to play the 'wait and see' game with the rest of the sx's. I knew I was going to go down the last 2 avenues I had left, Lyme and Lupus. I did test positive on my ANA which is a possibility of an autoimmune problem usually Lupus, so I thought I would get the Lyme test done which will test other infections as well. If that came back negative, then I would go down the rheumie avenue.
Well, I tested positive for Lyme, mycoplasma and something else, can't remember exactly the name of it. I start treatment as soon as I get back from vacation next week. I could have cried when the dr told me. Finally! Something on paper that says what is wrong with me... It's not all in my head..
I will continue to pop in here every once in a while to check in on you all since I have made such great friends here that continued to support me through everything and still does... Rhonda... Gretchen... :o)
You all are great! I hope all of you Limolanders find answers somewhere on what is going on with you. Don't ever give up looking for the answers, IT IS NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD!
Love yas!