Maziekss said...
My twin has MS with alzheimers it is so sad to watch her.
Hey Maziekss!
Welcome to the board! I'm so glad u found us. I started this thread so others could see u'r post and have a chance to reply to u. I'm so sorry to hear about u'r twin. What med is she using?? I'm not at all familiar with Alzheimers, but there may be others here who are and i'm sure they'll be along soon to offer any input they may have. It would seem u are a wonderful sibling to be advocating on u'r twin's behalf. Kudos to u!!! We have live chats on Mondays at 6:00pm each week. U and u'r twin are welcome to join at any time. It'd be a great way to get to know the other members as well as getting some real time answers to u'r questions. Thanks for being here on u'r twins behalf and u are both welcome!