I havent been on here in awhile but i find that i need some support again this time for something other than my Crohn's. Im 26 y/o this week and ive been "sick" for awhile now.
Next week i have my follow up with my newest neuro to find out if what i have is MS. From my initial appt with him he says he is pretty sure that i do but since then he has done some new MRI's and such.
I guess im looking for someone who knows how i feel, with all the crap ive been dealing with and i guess to see if others think its MS as well.
Bear with me ill list my symptoms and a little timeline. For almost 3 years now i have had varying degrees of the following. I am very clumsey, i just cant seem to contril my body very well. i walk with a cane becasue i trip and fall a lot from tripping over my left foot and from pitching over sideways like im drunk. i have tremors in both hands and sometimes my legs, the hands are bad enough that some days i cant eat anything on a spoon and i spill on myself all the time. i also have tremors in my face, my lips when i smile and my eyes when i squint. i also have this thing with my eyes where if im concentrating on something they move back and forth very rapidly. my index finger on my left hand tends to get stuck in an elevated position, like it is tensing and i cant control it. and this is embarassing but recently there have been some times where i wet the bed at night. i also have horrible fatigue, it just feels like there are weights attached to me and moving is just such an effort. lastly i get this thing often where i am about to say something and i just cant find the word im looking for, i know it and i can think it but i just wont come out.
before i got sick (all these symptoms started soon after being dx'd with the CD about 3 years ago) i was super athletic, went all day and night with no problem, energetic and coordinated. now there is just so much i cant do. but anyway that is my whining for the day. i really, REALLY appreceiate being able to unload like this and i thank anyone who was willing to read through all of this. id like to know if anyone feels similar to me, and i guess the famous question, do you think i have MS?
again, thank you SO much