MRI Thoracic Spine without Contrast.
T1, T2 and T2 fat saturation sagittal sequences, and T1 and T2 weighted axial images were obtained.
The vertebrae are normally aligned. The stature of the vertebral bodies is maintained. Disk spaces appear to be preserved. The spinal cord is of normal signal and morphology.
At T7-8 there is is a small right paramedian protrusion of the nucleus polposus which effaces the ventral aspect of the thecal sac and appears to touch the cord. There is no foraminal stenosis seen.
Impression: Small right paramedian protrusion of the nucleus pulposus at T7-8. This small protrusion appears to touch the ventral aspect of the spinal cord, but there is no evidence of spinal or foraminal stenosis. The spinal cord is unremarkable in appearance and signal.
MRI Cervical Spine without Contrast.
The vertebrae are normally aligned. Stature of the vertebral bodies is maintained. Spinal cord is of normal morphology with exception of ventral impression on the cord in the left paramedian location at C6-7 secondary to moderate protrusion of the nucleus pulposus.
There is no evidence of tonsillar herniation, and the foramen magnum is normal in appearance.
There is mild/moderate broad-based bulging in the disk/endplate complex at C5-6, but this finding does not cause impression on the spinal cord, there is no spinal or foraminal stenosis at this level.
Impression: Significant protrusion of the nucleus pulposus at C6-7, finding is positioned in the left paramedian location and causes mild ventral impression on the spinal cord. It is also possible that this finding may impinge the traversing left C8 root. Otherwise unremarkable MRI of the cervical spine.
So, that's that. I'm assuming because they DID NOT NEED to use contrast, no lesions were found without it. Now that I know my spine is even more of a mess than 2 years ago, I can go from here with the spine issues. Neuro appt. is 12/5, so I'll see what he says about the "punctate areas of high signal intensity in the centrum semiovale" from my brain MRI and if he says that's normal too, I guess I don't have MS, so that's good news. On the other hand, I am left sitting here agian wondering why I have burning/hot/tingling feet all the time and all my other symptoms. I can't wait until 12/5. Thanks for listening ;)