My husband is considering getting the Brooke ileostomy, using the Medicaid "medically needy" program (there is no regular Medicaid for anyone other than pregnant women and children).
Nathan thinks that the government won't pay for him to get this type of surgery since the regular kind with the bag is a lot cheaper, did any of you use any type of government insurance to pay for your surgery, and did it limit what kind of surgery you could get? Also, did it limit you to use their "government doctors"?
We get WIC since we have two children under age 5, and for example, on WIC they give you milk and cheese and juice, but it specifically mentions you have to get the cheapest off brand available of every kind. We don't want to use the cheapest, off brand doctor for a surgery this serious.....
and one other thing, Nathan thinks Medicaid won't pay for him to just opt to have surgery now, he's flaring but not severely, he's never attained remission since his diagnosis in april 2006, and he's tried every drug option other then remicade. Do they make him try remicade before they will approve him for surgery?