I have an 18 year old son who has done it all, Asacol, Rowasa, 6MP, Prednisone, Remicade. He has UC since March '06. We had it under control with Remicade & 6MP for about
6 months and then, boom, he starts a flare that even 40 mg of Prednisone is not controling. We're waiting for the results of a Remicade test to see if he has developed antibodies (or something like that). When do you decide that enough is enough. So my questions are:
If you have the surgery with the j pouch, how long are you out of commission for
When it's all over, can you eat what you want?
I've read that even with the j pouch, some people are still in the bathroom every couple hours True?
Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I know it's his decision, but he wants to go away to college this fall and I don't know what to do anymore.