that is crazy! are you going to have to pay all that the insurance didnt' pay (i am being nosy)
knee surgery isn't nearly as complicated, adn also the patients dont' usually stay in ICU.
When i was in the hospital one of the times i was in a flare, they gave me protonix in an iv and it as 1500 for ONE bag! my entire week stay was like 35k we were luck though our insurance paid a very large amount of that. and for my surgery i think it was like 20k. Alot of that was my pharmacy bill, i take a medicine that a three month supply of is 3k! so even though i was only there a week, they charge you for each pill, i take 5 a day, and they charge alot more than you pay at the pharamcy.
It's unbelievable how much medical care costs. I guess that's why there are so many sick people out there who are't getting help.
My MIL got really lucky, she is a nurse, and by having the surgery at the hosptial she worked at, it was all paid for!