HOPESTAR: I had my total colectomy 23May08. And the procedure they did to me is exactly what you're about to go through, connecting the small intestine to the rectum. As I was informed by my doctor not all could have this opportunity. Doctors can do this one to individuals they know could cope up with the procedure after surgery. Mostly individuals that doesn't have much complication.
Even if the patient doesn't want the bag, if he or she is not capable they won't do it. So, convinced yourself you are lucky. I ,myself, prefers the procedure,I don't want a bag. I ask for it and the doctor told me I am at my best to be a candidate for this procedure, young,healthy (not of course those poyps on my colon)and no other health compication.
This is what they call a 1 step colectomy procedure(the ileorectal anastomosis). The one that you are thinking with stoma and a bag could either be permanent or there is a reversal procedure. If there is a reversal procedure after few months after your surgery that is what they call a 2 step procedure.Meaning they would put a stoma and you'll use a bag for few months(letting your intestines healed up) before your reconnection. Reconnection coud be still your large intestine(if its still long enough) to be connected to your rectum.If it's already short, then the stoma and bag could be permanent unless the doctors will do the ileo-rectal anastomosis,then there will be no stoma, no bag.
You are lucky you still have for sure a healthy rectum, that's why your doctor will do such procedure. Rectum plays a big role in controlling yourself going to the washroom (continence). Because others even if they wanted this procedure,they can't if their rectum is not anymore healthy or damage resulting to permanent stoma and bag.
Don't worry about the procedure,I've been there. Don't you like that you will only have one surgery,no more reversal procedure. I am a two months post op now. I am doing fine and getting there to be in my normal routines. But I am not saying that it won't be a rough days and weeks that you're going to go through after surgery. It does.Lots of trips going to the washroom on the first few days to weeks.There will be even an instance of incontinence.But it will be lesser as days or month goes by. The incision is where my most pain is. Just ff doctor's advise not to lift heavy things, don't overdo an exercise,be gentle to yourself,try to get enough sleep and rest and you'll be alright. Also I advise you to ask help from your family or friends to do some household chores for you especially after surgery,your mobility is limited. Don't force yoursef if you can't. I had these all ,and no regrets I am in no meds, my mobility is increasing each day, no major complication and pain and I believe I am nearly there ... to be normal again.
Don't forget to ask blessings and prayers and it will be granted. No matter if you're catholic or whatever sector or no religion, just believe ........God bless.