I had my docotr look at a couple spots on my incision. Mind you, this was my step 2 of three, so it was the second time they cut through the same spot, but i had three separate areas that began to "leak a little". they were very very small, and a small amount of thinner, clearish pus was coming out. It was not a lot, and it wasn't very yellow and thick. After it leaked for about
two weeks, I had my doc check it out. My doctor wasn't concerned at all, he told me to put a band aid over it. I did, and it went away.
So, if you've got really yellow yucky stuff, I'd check it out immediately, but if it's really just more like mine was, it may be you just need a band aid. It's always safest to check either way, but i just wanted to give you a story that wasn't too scary!
Let us know what the doc says!