Hi all
I'm new to this whole thing after only having surgery 7 weeks ago but I was so pleased to read this thread after hearing about
the dreaded rectal blowout and worrying I was going to have it! After reading about
everything you have been through I now at least understand what I haven't got!!!
I've had a total colectomy for UC and am still getting pain, but it seems to move about
all over the place. It's a genuine surprise every day and a lucky dip with what's gonna hurt next. The more it moves about
, the more I worry but maybe you can provide me with some reassurance if you can. I had the original surgery via keyhole but then had another surgery to drain fluid. At the moment I have pain around the incision and I can feel the rectal stump if I touch my lower abdomen. I don't remember this before and I'm terrified that there's a problem.... After spending 9 weeks in hospital I don't want to go back. I hope you have some advice for me, I'd really appreciate it I'm so new to this that I'm grateful for anything you can suggest... Even if it is " stop being paranoid and get on with it!!!