When I had my temporary colostomy, my prep for the take down surgery was much easier than trying to clean out my entire colon. I held a bowl or bucket and sat on a stool near the toilet. I told my family I needed the bathroom. All I have to say is I am doing a bowel prep and they not only give me the bathroom but leave the house (I've done bowel preps at least 10 times now)! But it was different. I just recall having either hand wipes or baby wipes for drips and quick wipe ups. A garbage can with bag inside, one or two boxes of tissues, etc. I was ready with everything I could think of in case I had a major mess on my hands. My colon doc said I wouldn't want to stoop and lean over the toilet. He recommended the bucket. I can't even remember what I actually used to catch the stool. Probably an old mop bucket and I may have pitched it after my prep was over. But it did go fairly well and I don't recall any wild or urgent eruptions. Just steady output when it started.
I also recall taking my bag off. Hours later when I knew all the output was over, I put a fresh wafer and bag on.
The wipes were nice to clean up around my stoma too. In between sitting there and waiting for more stool to come out.
Post Edited (Marsky) : 12/12/2008 12:39:11 PM (GMT-7)