I am so so so sorry to hear about your pain issues!!! I can completely relate. My surgeon is a shmuck and Rx a lesser dosage of vicodin that what I had during my open wound issues. So that was a joke.
I called my GI nurse for help b/c I just don't like my surgeon's office (who didn't end up calling me back till the end of the day instead of right away, and they knew I was in extreme pain). Anyway, my GI nurse is absolutely amazing. She called in a stronger Rx of vicadin and oxycodone (sp)...well, that was was faxed and then mailed. Anyway, I took two of one and then two hours later took two of the other. I did this strictly for two or three days. Then I kind of lengthened the time to three to four hours...then I started taking just one of each every two hours until I quit the oxycodone all together and took the vicodin.
I had my surgery three weeks ago yesterday, and I still take my lower dose of vicodin every so often. Normally after a day of being out and about I take it while I'm out. Last night after be out and about I was super sore so I took the oxycodone before bed.
I will tell you that I've had a hard time adhearing to the lifting rules...and just the overall relaxing. I'm sure that had I been better at the resting part I wouldn't hurt around my stoma. I think I sprained my muscles and harmed areas that were seriously traumatized...so now my tummy is just super pissed b/c I had been using my stomach musles.
But I'll tell ya...just having the UC gone gives me the feeling that I conquer the world! I am very excited about going back to work and start back to my chores and basic daily responsibilities. I'm really not one to lay around AT ALL!!!
I wish you the best of luck, and please do contact someone about a higher dose of vicadin. My low dose was 5/500 and my higher dose I think was 7/750 or something like that...I know the first number was 7. The oxycodone really made a HUGE difference.
Good Luck!!!