I am sorry to you all, I guess I have made this woman out to be a real demon. She isn't a demon at all and just says perhaps what we all think in the beginning. She only has one child - my wife. She thinks she got the short end of the stick because of my UC and my mobility issues with charcot disease. She thinks my wife has lost 10 years of her life being with me and she thinks she would be better off without this albatross round her shoulders.
Yes, my wife has not had the carefree life that a 40 something wife should have, now in our 50's, I am trying every surgery, everything I can do to change that.
My MIL doesn't see that. She doesn't see the gentle times we have just reading to each other on the couch. Or the Netflix movies we rent and watch and then discuss like school kids. Yes, we haven't been out as much as we should have. I should have never let it get to this point before...but I am making that up know...and I am not going to let my MIL try to convince me to move into one of my studio apartments I rent out, or leave my beautiful fiona after 17 years.
Yes, it kills me to have to watch my wife clean my wound back there and reset my wound vac - no woman should have to do that for a man (although my terrible chauvanism permits me to think the reverse).
I decided to have my minister friend of many years to see me today...the first time to see anybody but my wife and MIL. I point blank asked him to smell me, my bathroom, linens (I stopped at the hamper). I have known him for 20 years - and he would not lie to protect my feelings. I am a man of good hygiene, so he was baffled by the question.
With him in the room, I asked her to leave on her own accord. I said that it should be her decision and if she raised a note on anything with my wife, I would tell her by God that she told me to leave her.
I thankied her for her help but recommended that she get back to her own husband.
My minister, a saintly single man, asked her why she felt the need to accentuate the negative. She responded in a blink to him and said that she only tells the truth.
She will be back for my leg surgery in August. I told her that I would appreciate if she would help me to heal faster by being a more god-like person. I told her I loved her and asked my minister to help her if he could.
He was a bit testy with me for not calling him in earlier. He said he always like to play interference in divinity school ball!
I am so terribly sorry to burden you all with my slightest of problems...when you read all the suffering that goes on here. But as my minister says that suffering of the heart is the worst of all.
He is a good friend, and when he left, he promised to tell me if I ever did have and odor - and warned me not to wear that nasty man perfume she bought at the department store.
With love to all, and apologies for sharing this woman's demons with you,