My mom had diverticulitis and was having frequent episodes so her Dr. suggested that she have surgey and remove part of the damaged intestine. He said that after the surgery she wouldn't have this problem anymore and that was great but.... he told her that there was a 50% chance that she would wake up and have a bag temporarily.
Unfortunately we did no research before her surgey and it has been a difficult few weeks. She has an Illeostomy and it has been so hard to deal with. We finally have a handle on it.
She had the surgey on July 9th and we are going to see the Dr. to schedule a reversal on September 9th. This time I don't want to be uninformed. I want to be prepared. When she had the surgery I didn't realize how much she was going to need me and how hard it was going to be for her. So this time for the reversal I want to make sure I plan everything well and know exactly what to expect.
I was hoping I can get some information and stories on reversals..