Okay, so I just sechdualed my surgery (colostomy) for the first week in december. I would like to know some of you alls insights on what I should be doing and what to expect. If I am not asking to much:
I would love to know where is the best place for the stoma.
Is there a better location for it if I plan to irrigate. My doctor disscussed this and it seemed like a good idea.
Not to sound dull but will the hospital send be home with supplies that I need or am I supposed to buy them before surgery.
Are the supplies able to be bough at a local market (target/walmart) OR am I going to buy them at a medical supply store OR online.
One more thing, I have read some of you all's posting in regards to belly bands (tub tops) why are theses worn?
Is a tight fighting tank top the same?
Oh sorry, what is a plug. The doctor mentioned it but I was a bit overwhelmed learning everything else.
If anyone can answer even one or two that will be wonderful!!!!