Somebody said...
If you think life with a bag might be better, and you're thinking of suicide, you should be thinking about surgery. It was a last option for me as well, but I'm glad I did it.
I think so. The last 11 years I did everything to treat this disease and tried every single drug under the sun. Even more. I tried every approach, from diet changes to chinese meds, hypnotherapy etc .The list is infinte. I had email contact with two of the best IBS reseacher on the planet. The problem is that I more or less sure what I`m suffering from but there is no treatment for this. My colon nerves gets irrtaded every day which lower sensitivity in the colon and cause a lot of pain. And this pain gets more and more intensive every week.
The only solution for me is colecomty, but doctors r against it. They say that I will have more pain after surgery (longterm). Which I cannot hardly believe. But they do colectmy for nearly all bad cases of gut disease like colitis, megacolon, cancer, crohn. constipation etc.. but not for bad case of IBS.
Dont get me wrong, I have huuuugh respect from this severe surgery, but I have also fear of living like this, with the painful colon in my body.