Hodaya and Tracy,
Yes at first the gas passing from the stoma is quite loud. As the body gets used to being without a colon things calm down. Hodaya, you are already without your colon, but I am sure that your ileostomy stoma will quiet over time also. BUT remember that sounds are a POSITIVE thing.
It means that you are coming out of ileus and that your guts are working. This is our goal
I'm going on year 3 now and mine barely ever makes a loud noise unless I am extremely hungry then I eat. The air that was in the intestine then gets suddenly pushed along with food. So that is a good thing, but that is when noise is apt to happen. So once you are well on the mend and are able to eat (awhile off for Tracy yet), they advise you to eat multiple small meals per day rather than three big ones. That way the gas of being empty does not build up so much.
The reason Tracy's stoma is making so much noise now is that she has not eaten since what Saturday or Sunday and it's now the following Saturday. Plus with her intestines just waking up, she has a lot of gas in her that is GOOD to be rid of.
So just wanted to assure you "newbie" ileostomates that sounds won't always be that loud. Rosemary