I was feeling better since I got home from my vacation. So went to a kids birthday party sun and I started having herrifiic chest pains, pain in my neck, jaw, shoulder and left lung,,,,,thought I was having a heart attack..Yikes, so i was rushed to the hospital..put in ICU come to find out I had..
What is pericarditis?
Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium. Pericarditis is usually acute – it develops suddenly and may last up to several months. If you could see and touch it, the membrane around the heart would look red and swollen, like the skin around a cut that becomes inflamed. Sometimes excess fluid develops in the space between the pericardial layers and causes a pericardial effusion (buildup of excess fluid around the heart). It feels just like a heart attack, so now I have to becareful and rest and take some meds and hopefully it calms down. If it get worse I have to have the fluid drained around my heart in the Pericardium...so shakey and heart racing today..so cant sit here...ttys