Thank you so much for your response. Had proctogram 3 years ago when I finally convinced my gastro consultant to send me to a surgeon. I had been having a terrible time with constipation, in colon but also in rectum. Proctogram showed dialated rectum. I managed to get rid of most of lead but not entirely. Surgeon also mentioned some problem with angle. Results with manometry were hgh restng pressure, I think, whiich led surgeon to think I had anismus. Also had no urge to expell balloon iinflated to its fullest. Was sent for biofeedback where Physio ascertained that I had no anismus just very high muscle tone, which she said was good. She thought me how to use muscles properly to expel stool. I improved immensely with no more straining but also with help of duphalac to move things along and to soften stool. Since have had no problem getting poop out of rectum. Physio was surprised at how quickly I relearnt how to go properly. Although I am in better shape I am still stuck in waiting for bowels to move. I could be waiting 2-3 hours before I have cleared out and I also use a lot of suppositories and water enemas as I always feel that bowel movement is incomplete, like it gets stuck further up in colon, not in rectum, once its there I can get rid if it easily. Then in evening I have to use supp and enema again. My whole day is revolved around this routine. I told the liaison psychiatrist (surgeon sent me to her to help me manage my problem and to work on apparent body image problem - in the case that I have surgery and end up with ileostomy). I am depressed and fed up staying in house, not being able to go back to work, not being able to go on holidays, not being able to leave house in morning to go to my sons football matches, becoming lethargic, losing libido as a result of taking 40g of ciprimil, which I have reduced to 20g. Also every morning after I take 60mls of diphalac and then soya bran and psyllium husk I get nauseous and exhausted, although it passes after half an hour its just horrible, and every morning, this cant be good for me. I told psychiatrist I had enough and wanted surgery. She tried to dissuade me and suggested sending me to another psyco-analyst, I nearly cried and said no that I wanted to go back to surgeon. We agreed that I would see another psyco but on condition that I also got appointment with surgeon and with her present. I managed to get an appointment for next Friday. I told her I wanted another proctogram and manmetry (I think the results will have changed as my rectum seens to have come alive again) and motility test of small bowel. When I did sitz marker test 2 years ago markers were left in rectum and colon, not not small bowel I think. I told psychiatrist that I thought I was an ideal candidate for colectomy with ileo-rectal anamostosis, the surgeon had even mentioned this before. One minute they are telling me I am deal for the operation the next they are trying to dissuade me and pointing out risks etc. I would not go through it unless it was absolutely necessary, even if I do end up with an ileostomy at leatI would have a life again. I have a small rectoceol but apparently it is insgnifcant , not causing me problems and not in need of repair. Have sone degree if pelvic floor decent but again doesnt seen to be causing problem. My rectum used to protude through anus during straining occaisionally but that hasnt happened in last 2 years, probably because I dont strain any more. orry for such a long post.