It just amazing as to how everyone does these basic things differently. In the hospital, I used to take off the bag and wash it out entirely and wipe the wafer/stoma area. I disliked it because of the mess and didn't see the purpose. My WOCN that came to my home said that pulling off and reattaching the bag gives some effort and your compromising your tight seal. So, I do rinse at every emptying. My sink has a close faucet and I just let alittle water in, making sure not to get too high up, turn to the toilet and let it drop, repeat until clear. If I'm out, I just wipe the tail closure w/o rinsing or use my squirt bottle that I've kept postpartum that I've let my kids use in the bath (came in handy again
). I feel clean because the bag is and its of great comfort, get 7-11 days wear. Though, couple of months ago, this would make it 6 months post op, I was experiencing burning, pinching pain from my stoma. Unaware of what was occurring, I tolerated the pain for couple more days until appliance change. When I removed my appliance, my stoma was covered in waste that had dried. It never moistened and fell. Was worried at first but the stoma is coming from a 'dirty' place with 100's of bacteria. Now I realize the pain if it were to ever occur again.