You know, I'm already having kind of a rough time and in a bad mood because of this dumb Candida diet I'm on for all of these fungal infections under my wafer, and now I've got to deal with stupid leaks too??!
I shouldn't complain because this is still better than no ostomy...but:
I have had a few leaks within the last couple weeks, and the other times I didn't have a leak, I changed my wafer after only two days because I felt a leak beginning. So finally tonight after 3 days, had another leak, and of course wasn't planning to change my wafer, so I was mid-meal (organic chicken hot dogs for this dumb diet...ugh), and of course Zoe was spouting stuff like crazy during the whole change!! ARG.
ANYWAY, now that I've stoma sticks out a good half inch. During peristalsis she leans a bit to the left, and the smallest she gets is maybe a 1/4 inch but definitely not any shorter than that, and I tend to have leaks on the right. But lately I've been having leaks on the right and then all over as well. Unsure of why. It doesn't seem that I'd need convexity because of the length of my stoma...right? Or am I wrong? I put a convex wafer on tonight just in case.
option #2: I use adapt rings. Should I try eakin seals? Are they different/better? I used to be perfectly happy with adapt because they came off so clean.
option #3: I've been using pre-cut 1" wafers since my last surgery (to re-do my stoma in January), and slowly my stoma is getting smaller. Right now I could really use a 7/8" or a tiny bit smaller. Could that be part of the reason it's leaking?
Any ideas would be great. This is my second round of all of this leak crap and I ended up having my stoma re-done to avoid this. GRrr!!!
Thanks guys; I love that you understand.