Thank you! She still had no output this morning so her surgeon had us come in right away. I guess this morning a little boy passed away from blockage so the dr wasn't taking any chances. When I heard that, it did made me cry knowing it can happen. Anyways, the dr did an x-ray and checked for stenosis. There was no narrowing but she did find that some stool had solidified in the stoma so it was causing the lack of output. Like you guys suggested already, she said lots of fluids, to keep moving around and warm baths. She also said no gas producing foods for the time being. If Sami starts to vomit or starts running a high fever, then to bring her back in and they will reassess. Still not sure about
why there was some blood though. Her labs from last week were as normal as they can be for someone with Crohn's. The dr also said that she wasn't a very gassy person as the 2 gas pockets that Sami has, doesn't show alot of gas in them. I guess that's a good thing?
*sigh* you think you know everything you can about
the disease and the surgery, but then you find out more. Like finding out 2 yrs after surgery that not only did she lose the large bowel, but 20% of the small bowel and now needs B12 shots because she no longer has the part of the small bowel that absorbs it.