For what it's worth....the seconde opinion surgeon saw my disc and all of the physical papers. From the Sitzmark test, I guess I have a "classic" case. There was a little bit of time where I gave him a brief history, and then he spent about
1/2 hour going over the surgery and the risks and percentages. I'm really freaked out about
the (granted, tiny) risk of ending up with some kind of outside pouch. I know a lot of people on forums really enjoy their lives afterwards, even with a pouch, but I just really, really can't get beyond that. I'm going to ask both Dr.s again tomorrow about
how sure they can be that that won't happen. I also keep hoping that there is some kind of diet/medicine/something that will make this unecessary, although I've tried SO many things, I think I've pretty much exhausted any options.
I'm going to keep asking questions and keep reading about this so I can go in super informed. I'm scheduled for Oct 10th, and I'm going to get as many opinions as I think I need. I've actually seen several doctors for this problem over the past couple of years, and not one took it seriously (they didn't believe that I would go weeks without a bm). Sooo....I'm just really confused, concerned and scared.
Go get that opinion, and definitely trust your insticts if you are more comfortable with one dr over another.
Good luck, keep me posted!