blueglass said...
Somedude, they had cancer not UC.
But I have to say, lifescar and judway, that what you have now sounds a lot like what those of us who have Crohn's and Ulcerative colitis lived with with our diseases. I had an ostomy to stop running to the bathroom all the time (along w/a host of other symptoms I had).... so, I think Somedude has a point, in that there are also surgeries that can give you relief from these symptoms. But I can also see where you might prefer the status quo to more surgery.
Wayne, the peeing thing sounds awful. I hope it's only temporary after the colonoscopy.
Yes, Im aware they both had cancer, and I read they had surgeries. But if your going to have "UC symptoms" after just removing parts, might as well go the whole way to try to get some relief.