Have you had a reply from your surgeon yet? What tests did they run on your small bowel if any?? did you have gastric emptying tests? It's possible your small bowel is also a little slow, but it's more likely that it's just early days and your stoma is taking time to settle.
Anyway..I'm trying to think back to when I had my loop and how I felt, at 2 weeks I certainly wasn't pain free, and wasn't eating 'normal' foods, so on one hand that part is probably normal and it's just going to take time to settle. As for the build up behind, I did also experience that a number of times with my end stoma in the first few weeks and had to use prune juice to push things through. It was exactly like you describe.. almost a bulge behind which was very uncomfortable. I had to massage my stomach and around the stoma it in the shower and got things moving through in the end.
Now with hindsight, I realise I was probably trying to rush introduction of foods too soon and needed to stick to soft foods, liquids etc and build up very gradually.. over a period of weeks if not months.
You dont' say what sorts of foods you've been trying, but it might be that you have to back off and go a little more slowly. You can get enough nutrition to prevent weight loss with meal replacement drinks and by eating small amounts of low residue but high calorie foods, so try not to worry about
It is still very early days - 2 weeks is nothing - your stoma will still be inflamed and bowel will be irritated and it could just be that you need to give it more time. Are you still on pain meds?? do you maybe need to keep on top of that still? again it's early days to be off them altogether.
I know you probably don't feel much like it but try to get out and walk as much as you can as that will help move things through your system. I always find a walk (or run now!) makes my system work better and the pouch fills up faster afterwards.
As the others say, drinking lots and plenty of electrolytes is vital too - it could be that dehydration is adding to the problem and that will also make your output thick and slow.
Passing some stool from your rectum is normal as you have a loop some stool will still sneak past.. but not much.
I think it's normal to be in some discomfort at this stage and your stoma is probably just settling down, but keep an on things and speak to your surgeon if you're in a lot of pain or if things don't seem right.
Don't underestimate the size of the operation and give yourself plenty of time.
Keep us posted and hope things improve for you soon. It will get better