Hi , warned you I'd be back with more questions
Have been ahving some minor issues with small leakage under stoma ( think I've probably put on bit of weight after coming home , and the stoma has changed size and shape quite a bit - sticks out more at top than bottom if that makes sense ??!!) The actual bag hasn't leaked , but has meant that the little bit of leakage has caused my skin to be sore and bleed .
At present I use drainable bags for colostomy, so change them every other day - however I have oredered the wrong bags and have closed bags - have ordered more drainables , but just wondered if anyone had any advice as to whether changing the bag more often may help my skin ? Would probabaly have to change it about 3 / 4 times a day at the moment . Not sure whether it would make my skin worse to keep changing .
Sorry for all the details/questions - early days still !!!! xxx