Hi Sarah and Karen, thanks for the info!
I tend to agree though, think removing the rectum is a bit hectic at this stage, or at any stage unless it's proven to be necessary. The doc here wants to do surgery laparoscopically. He said if it were too difficult due to adhesions then he'd
open up during op and do laparotomy. Recovery time so much quicker - wow 3 days in and out sounds fabulous Sarah!!! The doc down south would do a laparotomy and said 7 - 10 days in hosp and then 1 - 2 weeks nearby for regular check ups before being allowed to fly back home.
Tracy.... look forward to hearing from you soon
I had a slightly better night, still cramps and distention but not as bad. Will wait until i've had some more clear soup (can't stomach that for breakfast) so will wait until a little later. If it doesn't react too badly will stick it out at home, otherwise it's back to hosp. Will keep you posted...
Thanks guys, it's so reassuring to know that there are ladies out there who actually KNOW what i'm going through!!!