lucky important question, wed they put me on a grape juice sip diet as i had issues with real food not going through me. seems like even the grape juice got stuck until i walked miles. then it all poured out of me. my yogurt coffee and orange juice routine does not produce a bag of output like it did before stoma 3 tip stenosed, so there is definitely an issue with this 6 day of stoma.
How did they see the dilated bowel loops? did they do just do a plain standing and lyiing down xray?
i may ask for one of those. seems like even with a ton of grape juice in me, now their idea, i have to walk a long way to get that out of me. i am sooo hungry and weak.
also what is a peg tube?
in australia where i think i remember you said you were from, do they use Sprayshield to slow or prevent adhesion regrowth between the loops of small bowel?
glad you are being listened to.
sarah, i have some issue where now even grape juice is getting stuck it feels like it is deeper within than at the new stoma level. i sure hope i am not getting more deeper in adehsions from yet this more surgery tho totally needed. I don't think from this one as they did not have to enter the abdominal cavity, but the sept one they did and then took out my unused colon which i did not consent to for fear of yet more adhesions as i am an adhesion fomer. but you are right. they rushed my diet at the hospital so that they could say she is eating full bland meals so out she goes. i actually was glad to get out of there as there is no sleep in hospitals. I sure have to avoid any more hospitals UNLESS crisis with stoma 4 as i need healing time, but only time will tell.
i am going to ask my doc for a plain xray of me standing and one lying down and see if i have dilated bowel loops. there is no reason i should have to now live on grape juice per the surgeons instructions. the whole idea was to eat. today i just got so hungry i had yogurt and some protein clear drinks. i just could not stand it. i don't even know if all that made it out as the grape juice looked like pure grape juice to me. Glad you are still doing well. I would love to have you stoma and lack of adhesions and I would keep that working stoma forever and ever.