SO, I ended up at the e.r. the other day because I had been having so much abdominal pain and was afraid of antoher blockage.. they did a c.t. scan (GULP< my 31st in a year), and the doctor came in and said "GOOD NEWS! Your ovarian cyst has shrunk to 5 cm, bet that is what is causing the discomfort!"
I looked at her like she had 3 heads and started crying...she was like, "What's wrong? that's good news"...UUMM, NO, not when I had the 8 cm cyst AND ovary removed in October!!!!
So now I am clueless.. if there is no cyst and ovary, then it is not a gyno issue right? So where does this fall back to?
And on a side note..I read on one of these posts about
the B12 issues..can anyone direct me to onfo on that?