Ditto...once you are healed and up on your feet you will find a day of travelling is not much different than a normal day of being up and about
You just plan accordingly. My hubby's change schedule is Wed and Sunday. Depending on the day we are travelling we may adjust his schedule a bit the week before to get on a different schedule as he likes to put on a whole new set up the day before travel.
In the airport he makes sure to use the men's room before boarding and most times unless the flight is very long he doesn't need to use the rest room on the plane. If he does it is usually to just pee as he is very good about drinking water and staying hydrated.
Of course have a change readily available for "just in case". We do and have not needed to use it yet when travelling and out and about.
Your new normal I think you will find to be so much more predictable and manageable and travelling will no longer have such angst for you. In the days of his UC and our desire to still travel made for some very hairy instances and close calls. No accidents (don't know how though) but I was always on edge as I could see the panic in his face here and there and how close was the d*mn bathroom!!!! So so happy to have that literally behind him now. Yes it is a new normal but so much better than the 5+ years of suffering and all the frequency/urgency issues. Plus there were so many times it was easier to just stay home and NOT go out as you became so tired of dealing with it too.