I have Aetna insurance, met my deductible and out of pocket max in early Feb. after 2nd surgery and 25 days in hospital due to perforated bowel (toothpick!!!). Had colostomy placed after 2nd surgery. I've found calling Hollister and Coloplast and Edgepark Medical and Sterling Medical Supply and asking for lots of samples is the way to go! You will find what works for you and what doesn't!
Once you set up an account with Edgepark or Sterling Medical Supply, you just have to reorder when you need to and they file with insurance. Both are excellent companies to work with and are so great on the phone!!
I've found I really like the Hollister mini drainable bags and a product called "Sure Seal" by Coloplast. These are C shaped pieces of thin rubber that are great for leakage prone areas. I currently have an open wound and a wound vacuum on so I have one area I use the Sure Seals as I can wear the appliance for about a day at this point without leakage!
The samples are free so you can try lots of different wafers, bags (not the transparent ones!!), moldable rings, sure seals, etc.
Best Wishes,
Perf. Bowel, Dec. 2012
Colo Vaginal Fistula, Colostomy Placement, Feb. 2013
3rd Surgery for open wound, wound vacuum placement April 2013