I guess it's just one of those days. You all know I'm generally pretty positive, and my docs have all said my great attitude and outlook really make a difference. But this second surgery has kicked my butt, and after 2 re-admissions, I'm feeling it. And I came home with a PICC this time, had nurses here all day yesterday and will be chained o my IV fluids for 6 hours a day until my reversal surgery in early August. That kind of hit me hard. I've been out of work since Feb. 26, and I'm feeling a bit isolated now. I know the end will be worth it, and I will get there and be a million times better off than when I was flaring and having to wear Depends to survive my Metro ride to work. Oh, and I had a bad leak last night while I was on fluids, and my supplies were all on another floor and nobody was home - had to sit on the toilet for 45 minutes until the IV was done so I could disconnect and go upstairs to clean up - guess I need to be better prepared with supplies on the main floor of my house!
OK, thanks for reading my vent ... will try to get my positive outlook back, but I need to readjust my mindset and accept how sick I still am