With all due respect to Sue and her surgeon and anyone else with a great outcome with a mucosectomy and handsewn anastomosis (of which there are many people), the data pretty clearly shows that double stapling improves quality of life and outcomes significantly. A study that I found really interesting shows that even when you compare patients with handsewn and mucosectomy vs. patients with doublestapled who have chronic inflammation in the ATZ (anal transition zone -- this is basically cuffitis), quality of life is STILL better for the patients who have chronic inflammation than for the patients who underwent a mucosectomy (presumably to avoid chronic inflammation):
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18847636There's a Cleveland Clinic study with almost 4000 subjects which also shows a statistically significant improvement in QOL for double stapled over handsewn.
Anyway... that's my two cents. Obviously the statistics don't mean anything if you end up in the minority that's unhappy (for any surgery) but the odds are better without mucosectomy. When it is still performed it's usually for patients who had rectal cancer or dysplasia.