Morning all!
Well, it's official, the month of July is over and with it my life as an ostomate :(
I had my takedown surgery yesterday morning. I finally got the first call! I've waited 3-4 hours for my surgeries in the past so it was nice to be first and get called on time for once.
The intake nurse tried once to get an IV in and failed, so she said she would let them do it in the OR and sent a note that I needed a needle smaller than 18 gauge. As per usual she also refused to believe I'm 26 until she checked the date of birth on my armband. Upon arrival in the OR, an enthusiastic anesthesiology nurse proceeded to stick me about
15 times, each more painful the last, NEVER successfully. I am usually very stoic but I was gasping and cringing the whole time. She kept saying "your veins are hiding!" and "you are really dehydrated!" and "but you're so young!"
OMG. Sidebar: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN PEOPLE WITH LOOP ILEOSTOMIES HAVE TO FAST FOR 36 HOURS. I considered violating the doctor's orders and eating soft solids yesterday, because it only takes overnight for me to be cleared out completely, but of course I just went with what they told me and my arms paid the price... They even tried to stick the inside of my wrist so now I look like an attempted suicide case... Anyway.
Needless to say, one of the surgeons saw what was going on and said "Can I try?" and successfully placed the IV on his first try.
After that I was out very quickly, and don't remember waking up until recovery. I couldn't
open my eyes for a while so they brought my parents in and then told them to leave and go to lunch. I was so angry! I always get angry in recovery, usually over stupid stuff, but this time I was just really sad because I didn't get to see them for hours. I know, baby stuff.
Instead of having an epidural placed this time around I'm just on PCA IV dilaudid. It wasn't set up until after I came to in recovery and said "I'm in a lot of pain" -- I thought this was the least painful surgery! Well, no drugs takedown vs. epidural Step 2 are about
even, so look at it that way. I had to press the button a LOT to catch up with the pain, but it became manageable after that.
After that I was taken to my room and pretty promptly starting falling asleep and waking up every hour or so. I've never been so tired after surgery, which I found funny because all of my other surgeries have ended in the evening. I pretty much slept, pressed the button, slept, had vitals taken, pressed the button, etc.
Did I mention I didn't have a catheter this time around? So few things are attached to me! I wasn't able to pee until just before the time limit (they said if I didn't pee in eight hours they would have to cath me anyway). It's still not easy (hey Alison) but it's doable.
The worst thing so far was, I think, actually just dilaudid withdrawal. After I fell asleep in the evening I started sleeping more deeply so I didn't push the button for several hours. When I woke up the pain in my abdomen was a little worse, but I had an absolutely RAGING migraine. I also got a little nauseated around this time, could be attributable to so much different stuff, but despite sleeping cuddled up with my puke basin I managed to keep everything down. My mom suggested that maybe I wasn't pressing the button enough (I thought the dilaudid was making me loopy and lightheaded so I resisted) but once I started doing that again the headache went away. Live and learn.
I've been up and walked about
5 laps around the ward so far. Compared to the previous surgeries walking is very easy. I am probably about
as mobile as I was two weeks after Step 2 already.
Every once in a while I feeling a stinging/burning/itching feeling at the ostomy site that makes me want to "adjust my wafer" or scratch around the tape and then I realize there's nothing to adjust...
That's pretty much it so far. Still very tired. They say I can start trying some sips of water today, but I'm giving it a little more time. Maybe I'll start with ice chips. Nothing out of the j-pouch yet. PS, I still have my period
but it is pretty light.