I had step one of a two step surgery almost 2 months ago
I had it
open to!
The first 2 weeks was absolute hell. I'm not trying to scare you but I seriously couldn't imagine the amount of pain I was gonna be in. I then got an Infection and was fcukd for another couple of weeks. All up I was in hospital about
23 days and it wasn't fun. Getting out of bed and doing basic things was agonizing and very tiring
I also got sick from all the pain killers and coughing/ vomiting was agonizing. For some reason my mouth was also full of ulcers. As in 30 plus and I couldn't eat or drink anything
The first week or so of having the loop ileo it needed emptying ALOT. as in some days it measured 3.5 liters or more
My Incision has healed well except for one bit that refuses to close up. For the first month to 6 weeks I was very tight as in I couldn't stand up straight. Now I'm fine
Now to be abit more POSITIVE
I have had 0 leakage which is encouraging.
I only empty my bag about
5 times a day
Besides the foods you shouldn't eat i am a good disposal machine. I could eat a block of chocolate and nothing happens
I feel AWESOME. I had my surgery for cell dysplaysia so my UC wasn't really that bad at the time. Even though it was still considered severe.
I have had some serious flares in the past to near death and I feel so good now you can't even compare. I feel better then I ever have and in a couple of days I'm traveling over 800kms to go camping and pig hunting in the outback
Sorry my post was all over the place but these are just my experiences so far
EDIT: the foggy fuzzy feeling will go. It's 90 percent from the prednisone! Get off the crap ASAP. I got diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 19 because of it.
Post Edited (Anthonyv) : 9/16/2013 12:14:02 PM (GMT-6)