There is possibly some risk with b_i_s_m_u_t_h (devrom/pepto/etc) though - think I do recall trying pepto for stinky poo a couple years ago and if I recall correctly it did seem to help somewhat sometimes. So I guess as long as any negative effects are reversible it can't hurt to try it.
You might consider taking some magnesium. I occasionally take magnesium and also get some from my multivitamin that I take fairly regularly. If you google search magnesium and odor or magnesium and deodor you will find a lot of info that may be relevant. Even if it doesn't help it probably wont hurt to take a little magnesium anyway.
Might also think about
digestive enzymes. I often take a digestive enzyme when I eat a large meal with a lot of different ingredients, taco salad comes to mind as the usual offender. Seems to help me not burp it up a couple hours later.
But as I mentioned earlier if I stay away from carbs/sugars then I probably have less odor than the other stinkers in the house. Of course not eating carbs/sugars isn't easy but once I stopped for a significant amount of time then I found the desire for them diminished significantly.
I did mention immodium (loperamide) earlier. I do take that to slow everything down but I am not sure that is necessary since I have mostly stopped eating carbs/sugars. Maybe I will go without loperamide for a couple weeks to see what difference, if any, that occurs.
Then again, possibly just eating on a schedule with a good amount of time between meals may slow transit time enough that taking the immodium is superfluous anyway. Not sure, maybe it is time to run some experiments again...experimenting is always fun...
Anyway, keep us updated how it works for you. Maybe I will order some for the stinkers in my house so thhey will stop stinking up the throne I kneel before a few times a day.
ps - sorry for the underscore between the letters but this forums word filters seem to be configured to filter the word bi****h for some reason...probably too close to the word used for female dog???
Post Edited (MeanDean) : 10/21/2013 8:30:14 AM (GMT-6)