rdm said...
Somedude said...
"I originally made the wrong choice and there isnt a do over, at least not this time around "
So let me get this straight. You consider going for the J pouch the wrong choice because it failed?
No, you went for the J pouch because it gave you the opportunity to become as "normal" as you can be. The fact that it failed is a different argument. You went for the J pouch for a reason, and that reason is just as valid as any other reasons.
I don't use the word "wrong" in a moral sense. I made the choice as I said because of vanity but also because of uncertainty of what life would be like with an ileo. Additionally the thought that I could try it and then go to the ileo if needed was definitely a factor. And that is main reason of why I usually post on these threads. I was not well informed and didn't research what removal of a J involves. I want people to go into surgery with information I didn't have.
But Isn't vanity why most people choose the J pouch? I agree it is a valid choice, it simply didnt work out for me. I was not a great candidate to begin but my biggest problem which does occur among a certain number of people had to do with hooking up the blood supply during surgery and this caused many issues. This of course was unforeseeable because there is no way to know this until one attempts the surgery. The unknown of going from a relatively well functioning colon (I had well controlled UC that turned into cancer after 25 years) to a ileo was one reason I went for as you say as normal a function as possible. I had never experienced an ileo. After I did have the experience with a loop that was pretty well behaved I knew it would not be a problem for me to live with an ileo, so that made going to an end ileo after about
20+ months, aside from the surgery, an easy decision. My life was much better with a loop ileo than the J so I went to the end ileo ( even better). But it was a lot of surgery and every surgery takes something from you.Vanity is one reason, the other reason is convenience. As long as everything works how it should be, you don't need to buy supplies, this or that, etc. Someone that has a working J pouch can back me up on these though.