Hi all,
I just had a barium enema x-ray today to check out the j-pouch and ensure no leaks (done rectally). This is the first time I've had this test, and have a few questions about what happened...
Firstly, the radiologist kept saying that she was very surprised I was having this procedure done as I'm only 6 weeks post op. She said they usually do it later, around 4 months. She repeated this so much that it worried me that something was going to be damaged because of the procedure... When did you guys have this test done?
Secondly, when they were emptying the barium liquid from my pouch, lots of blood came out. The technician and the radiologist said that they haven't seen this before and were pretty surprised. Since I have a loop-ileo, I have a lot of rectal discharge throughout the day, and I have never had any blood in there. They seemed surprise by this as well, since the clear barium that went in was quite bloody on the way out. Has this happened to anyone?
Thirdly (and lastly!), when they pulled out the "hose" from my butt (which was done twice as the first time they inserted it, it came out), both times when it came out, there was one spot close to the opening that was EXTREMELY painful. It was awful. I actually cried out because it caught me off guard. Going in it was totally fine, but coming out it was just so incredibly painful in the one spot. I asked if the blood could be coming from that, but they said no because the blood came from draining the pouch. So...my question is, what could this be?! I have a scope with my surgeon in a few weeks and will mention it. I'm definitely not looking forward to that...
Thank you all in advance for your help and guidance!!