Hi everyone, please excuse the “word vomit” of this post, I just need to get a few things out.
After a pancolitis UC flare that’s lasted over a year, plus a nice c.diff infection on top (recently kicked that), my step 1 surgery is tomorrow.
I’ve got some last-minute nerves, but everything has failed - 5ASA, Imuran, Remicade, Humera, a trial drug, SCD, antibiotics, oregano oil, VSL#3, acupuncture, a ton more I can’t think of… and a few months ago it became steroid refractory. Plus they’re very concerned about
a perforation; my last flex sig the doctors said there’s nothing much left but scar tissue and “it looks like it's burned”
So, it seems like this thing needs to go!
Despite all this misery, there’s still that slight lingering “what-if”. What if there’s some medical breakthrough? What if the
one thing I didn’t try would’ve helped? Am I trading one set of problems for another? I guess it’s just the permanence of it all. I worry a bit about
blockages, leaks, and dehydration; but I guess I’ll deal with those as they come.
A big fear is that the fatigue I have has another cause; that I’ll still spend the majority of my time exhausted.
Still, reading about
the majority of positive outcomes here has me feeling positive about
it all 90% of the time.
So, fingers crossed. Let’s move forward.