HI I was just wondering whether or not I could get some help from anyone about illeostomies. Last year my mother was diagnosed with Colin cancer and unfortunately it was not good news it was already at stage 4 and had matastisied into her liver and lungs. She had the illeostomy which went okay but she did have to go in again for another operation 1 month later and then another 7 months later for blockages. So now she has two bags one on either side. I will be the first to admit I do not know enough about this but I am trying to learn more. She is in the hospital again with back pain and hives as well as be dehydrated which leads me to my question about the illeostomies.
Does anyone have an idea or a rule of thumb as to how much output she should expect on a daily basis through the bag?
The reason I ask is because she has lost so much weight over the past 10 months about 50 -55 lbs. She was only 140 to begin with and I am afraid this is shortening her life even more because she can not keep her weight up. I know everyone is different but I would think there should be some rule of thumb to it. I guess I am starting to grasp at straws now and hoping for some miricale to come along or at least trying to get her to hold on to the best quality of life possible for as long as possible. Any help you could give me in understanding how the illeostomies work and what is normal vs abnormal would be appreciated.
Thank You