Posted 10/9/2014 11:25 PM (GMT 0)
I do try to eat different things. Even though I have that frequency/pain nightly anyways, if I eat something that doesn't agree with me yet it makes that whole episode that much worse. So I will roll the dice every couple of days and see how it goes or I just can't resist a certain food or something lol.
Yea I'm dreading the dilation, I'm sure it won't be that bad but after years of misery associated with my butthole, anything that has to do with that area leaves me anxious and very apprehensive.
My preference is the jpouch right now. Grant it, the healing process and adjustment is a lot longer/tougher than my end ileo surgery was. It's not just a vanity thing, although that does play a role for me being as in 28 and am not emotionally prepared to have that for the rest of my life. A bigger reason is the activity level, I've always been very active and I do travel a lot for work so yes you can do everything with an ileo that you can with a colon/jpouch but it takes a bit more preparation to make sure you have all of your supplies as well as backups and a change of clothes but also conscious thought during that activity so you don't puncture or pull the bag off. When I would pick up my daughter she'd always manage to kick the bag or accidentally wiggle against it. Not the mention the changing every couple of days and the adhesive issues and I emptied my bag about as often as I go to the bathroom and I don't have a bag of poop distended on my stomach. Now instead of supplies I have some butt cream and maybe some baby wipes.
Don't get me wrong my ileo gave me my life back and if I had to go back to that I would not be depressed or disgruntled, id be thankful that I still have that option. Just for now this is the route I wanted to go and it fits my lifestyle. I just have to be patient with the process and it can be hard and sometimes when pooping it reminds me of the days when I had UC and I have to actively tell myself that I'm okay now it's just part of the healing.