mickeyz said...
There’s so much to be said about this post and all the contributions. We can take sides, offer an opinion or throw an opinion at a hundred miles an hour, hide because we don’t want anyone to know how we really feel or just smile and be thankful we’re not directly involved. Or are we? For starters, we’re probably all a little nuts. Just ask enough folks and we’ll get a “Yup”. But just because we’re nuts doesn’t mean we’re stupid. Because some want to wear gloves to blow their nose just makes them a little more nuts relative to their own snot. So what? I just hope when one gets body fluids on their hands they just wave or blow a kiss rather than a hand shake or hug. The more energy we put into defending what others refer to as our “insanity” the more time we waste just being silly. Do we really need the CDC, the APA or Good Housekeeping to tell us how and when to clean ourselves and our surroundings?
Sorry some folks got upset but I guess that can happen when we expose ourselves to what we consider crap.
Michael A
Great post.