Silent Lucidity said...
I might get slated for that comment, but I think the old saying "one doth protest too much" also rings true.
They can slate me too, 'cos I literally couldn't agree more. In fact I'm pretty sure I've used the same phrase myself.
Had the psychological assessment today. The whole thing was rather gruelling and dispiriting. For starters, because I live outside the hospital's catchment area, they won't pay for me. At best that means a long delay while my GP applies to a panel for funding; at worst I get turned down. Even if I get approved, it'll only be a few sessions - not like it'll be anything ongoing, which is the sort of help I most want/need right now. And which I would pay for, but just cannot afford.
As regards help in the real world, I feel completely alone. My surgeon has always been sympathetic; I hope she can be sympathetic one last time, 'cos I feel like nobody else has a clue what this is like.