Posted 10/12/2017 3:52 AM (GMT 0)
Thank you Alcie, sorry to hear of your continuous colon problems, and also sorry to hear that your brother is having such a hard time?
I wasn't expecting to wake up from surgery with an ileostomy,, it was put in to help a leak heal? although I accepted it quite well, it just hasn't accepted me, and I'm having constant dehydration, a very fluidy output and other issues with the bag. I was hoping the bag would cut down on my bathroom visits, not really?? I have dropped weight and cannot put it back on, and have to quit eating by 9 pm, or I am having to get up too often at night? It's hard to do this when only small meals are eaten through out the day? I'm not use to quit eating by a certain time, but I'm doing it and go to bed hungry.
The one thing that has me concerned when the reversal is done, is more diarrhea if that is even possible? I've had diarrhea for years, even after my first reversal and during my supposed remission? It never stopped. My bag output is behaving like the constant diarrhea I had with the crohn's before the ileostomy, yet a CT scan shows no crohn;s or complications at this point. It was removed in Dec. and bowel resected.
With a late resection, I just don't want to go through a longer recovery period?
Wish you and your brother health, and also to all those who responded to my question, Thank you.