@Emma-Normally I will go 7-10 days in between bowel movements, with the occassionaly stretch out to 14 days. When I had to have my clean out for my BE, my exam was scheduled for a Thursday. On Tuesday, I was told to take an over the counter laxative to get the barium out of my system from the small bowel series I had done on Monrday. On Wednesday, I started the prep kit. On Thursday morning, before leaving for the hospital, I was passing clear fluids. However, when I arrived at the hospital, xrays revealed large amounts of stool still in the ascending and transverse colon. I was given another prep kit, and the procedure was rescheduled for Friday. On Friday, I had been able to move some of the trapped stool but enough remained that there was debate whether to perform the BE or not. So, as you can see, things ain't normal down South. :) This week has been way off the norm with 3 BM's in 7 days, albeit very, very small BM's. Normally they are very firm, with rabbit like hard pellets.
What brought all of this on to begin with was the fact that even when I felt like I just HAD to go to the bathroom, I would have to strain..strain..strain...to get anything accomplished. This brought on a situation that at first I thought was a rectal prolapse. Tissue pushing through the anus upon defecation but finding it's own way home immediately after. My doctor sent me to a surgeon with that diagnoses. The surgeon said that instead of a rectal prolapse, I had a severe case of hemorrhoids. He advised that the hemorrhoids were a complication of some other issue and that it would be pointless to treat them until we find out what's causing my transit problems. Correct that...and the hemorrhoids should correct themselves over time. Other symptoms include being a bit gassy and occassionally seeing mucus (rarely blood streaked mucus) being passed along with my stool.
At day 3 of the Sitz test I had pretty much all of the markers left. At day 5, there were some, but I don't know the exact amount yet. I'm going to place a call in to the radiologists this morning to get an exact count.
Is retaining 24 out of 24 markers after 72 hours normal? I have read that normal transit time is less than 72 hours. By that logic, having any left in your colon post 72 hours is abnormal, correct? I can tell you with absolute certainty that the markers were in my body for 106 hours before any of them left. That was 12 hours before the day 5 xray.
I've used enemas, both the fleet and plain water, duldolax, ex lax, correctal, Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) mixed with water..etc. If it says for constipation, I've tried it. I tried adding a fiber supplement to my diet (Psyllium husks). By day two my stomach was so full of gas that I couldn't sleep all night due to the cramping and the actual passage of the gas (wife wasn't too happy either. :)
I have dealt with this for all of my life, it's just gotten a lot worse over the past 6-12 months and I am having more and more pain, discomfort, and bloating as I get older. I am just sooooo ready to have this resolved so I can get on with my life.
Thanks again all, I'd love to stick around and wait on the answers, but I've got to head to work.